General (4)
Royalty Counts
Make an impute if you have gotten your certificate . We would like to know how you feel to be apart of bigger cause. Share your experience on this page. No matter our ethnicity we welcome You. Racism is not tolerated on our platform. We help those in need of help period.
Global Distribution
We Distribute Funds Around The Globe. You don't have to be Canadian to participate. Were ever your from within the globe we welcome you. On this page tells us how Ashakayan Philanthropy Incorporation help you .
Poverty Relief
With some hard work poverty can be a thing of the past?We can give a few cents a day towards global wealth distribution. Financial equality start with you. Write down your situation on this page. Write down your crisis and what you would like funds for. We remind you that we are unable to help all at the same time. We will select many cases in which our team tackles with meticulous precision.
YOUR SAVING IS SAFE WITH US. We save as collective whole to secure more families are not plague by poverty. Anything will do. We are a trusted brand. We ensure that our members receive the funds they need. Please donate to our cause.